Fine Artist  &  Graphic Art Director


‘Autumn’ Oil on paper 10 x 8″

Small Palette

Warm palette Raw umber light / Alizarin crimson / Cadmium yellow deep hue Sap green / Cerulean blue / Titanium white  

Art Journals

I believe it really important, for me anyway, to keep track of my ideas and processes, I do this in journals. I write all my ideas future and current down, also processes that I am working with and what is working. I have a full journal just for traditional gesso process, and notes on what […]

New Inspiration

A new source of inspiration with the Suffolk Flower Farm.

March Treats

A nice start to 2014 with the sale of the bow series, all four sold and to remain at Duke House on display.


A design for Menna, this is my vision of HOPE 🙂 if you have not read Menna’s books visit her author page: