Fine Artist  &  Graphic Art Director


I have always kept several sketchbooks open to work inside at the same time. Saving little notes, ideas, colour palettes, found treasures, postcards from galleries, doodles, and rough composition ideas. My sketchbooks are the first place ideas take shape. Pages where I can experiment on and save ideas for future projects. A place where the messy ideas and line work can take shape and develop into fully formed ideas.


I have been looking back at old sketchbooks and really love Seawhites in various sizes. The paper is not watercolour paper but is a nice weight and takes ink and crayon really well. They have been a staple of my kit for years now. I have a nice Moleskin and several Lechtturms as well which I like the paper and size to work in.

ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sketchbooks
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting