Fine Artist  &  Graphic Art Director

Painting 100 skies over the course of a year understand colour and brushwork a little better. Exploring colour relationships, thicker brushwork and blending.


I hope this will this will feed into my everyday practice which tends to be on the tight side and working more with transparent layers.


All skies will be sketched, for now, in my Moleskine in oils on paper, using references from a curated Pinterest board here.

ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
Ella Wolfnoth oil painting
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting in sketchbook
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting
ella wolfnoth sky oil painting