Fine Artist  &  Graphic Art Director


Glazing is one of my favorite ways to work. I work from a drawing I have studied previously. This will allow me to look at the values I want to take forward into the grisaille underpainting.   Once I have completed the drawing study, I can then transfer this to the wooden panel ready for […]

In Blue

Oil on card 8″ x 10″ First colour layer


Dead layer oil on card 8″ x 10″

Colour mixing

Mixing a new palette of colours Design Seeds have a wonderful website of palettes mixed to images that are beautiful, great for colour inspiration or just to have a browse.

Nearly finished

Pink bow oil painting on card stock 20cm x 20 cm Nearly finished


I found these lovely old ornate vintage frames, perfect for finished paintings.

Found Things

These have been collected over the past few years I might have to get a box frame for them and have them on the wall in my studio, they are lovely.